Mona Vale Public School

Empowered, enriched, equipped.

Telephone02 9999 3481

Empowering Our Learners

Every student. Every day. Every lesson. Our vision and promise to our students.

We are committed to ensuring every student at our school experiences a quality, comprehensive and inspiring education so they are equipped with all the tools to thrive on the continuum of their lifelong learning journey. We are focused on enriching our students' sense of place in the world. We want to encourage their self-expression and broaden their exposure through a vast breadth of opportunity for academic, social, cultural, physical and emotional growth. We know that learning is active not passive.

Our school has undertaken vigorous evaluation of our student learning data (using both internal and external assessments) as well as researched how we can continue to ensure every student achieves their potential. Teachers regularly review cohort (grade and class) data as well as individual student data. Consideration is given to the full range of learners in our school e.g. English as an Additional Language or Dialect students, High Potential and Gifted students and students with additional learning needs. Understanding the impact of our teaching and learning programs and school structure is fundamental to improved learning outcomes for all students. 

We have engaged in professional learning as executive, grade and specialist teams in What Works Best in Education to ensure we are successfully implementing strategies that are known to improve student learning:

•High expectations

•Explicit teaching

•Effective feedback

•Use of data to inform practice

•Student assessment

•Classroom management



Two of our HPGE specialist teachers, Cathy Swanson and Amy Tier, have been trained as facilitators in the Department's new High Potential and Gifted Education Policy which is now mandatory for implementation.  Our aim is to equip all students with the knowledge and skills to engage in high quality learning opportunities. Through differentiation, teachers are able to adjust the content, environment, processes and outcomes of the curriculum. This means that all students are learning in their Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky). Our teachers already use a combination of these strategies to meet the needs of students in their classes. Differentiation continues to be a focus area of professional learning for our school.